
sustainability & 
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The Chipuka Center

Providing services in mental health and education for individuals and companies through counseling & psychotherapy, educational & clinical assessments, and team capacity building.

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Chipuka! Agriculture & Aviation

A new and expanding area of Chipuka. We believe in making a difference for farmers and the farming community through innovation, training, consultations and aerial agricultural services.

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about us
We are so glad you found us

Chipuka is based in Arusha, Tanzania and focuses on helping individuals and companies learn, grow and find sustainability in their private lives and public ventures.

The word 'Chipuka' is Kiswahili and means 'to sprout' or 'bud'. We believe this to be true for any individual or company. Our passion is helping people 'sprout' or 'bud' from where they are into where they want to be; whether through counseling and training or agriculture and aerial agriculture services. 

We would love to work with you. If you are interested in our services please contact us for more information. 

the chipuka center

The Chipuka Center supports individuals and companies striving to find sustainability and growth in their private lives and public ventures. We provide a diverse set of services in Mental Health and Education; if looking to grow the capacity of your team, receive counseling and psychotherapy, get educational and clinical assessments or be connected to the growing mental health community in Tanzania, please reach out and contact us.

Counseling & Psychotherapy
Educational & Clinical Assessments
Capacity building, Training & Workshops
Chipuka! Agriculture & Aviation

Chipuka Agriculture and Aviation is a new and expanding area of expertise of the company; working with strategic partners in Tanzania and elsewhere, we believe we can help make a difference to farmers and the farming industry. The key areas of focus are niche export and local markets, innovative production and outgrower models, farm management consulting and training, and provision of affordable and efficient aerial agricultural services to medium and large scale farmers.

Farm Management Training
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Aerial Agriculture Services
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Innovative Production
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contact us

We would love to hear from you. If interested in learning more about The Chipuka Center or about Chipuka! Agriculture and Aerial Services, please contact us.