
Chipuka! Agriculture 
& Aviation


Chipuka Agriculture and Aviation is a new and expanding area of expertise of the company; working with strategic partners in Tanzania and elsewhere, we believe we can help make a difference to farmers and the farming industry. The key areas of focus are niche export and local markets, innovative production and outgrower models, farm management consulting and training, and provision of affordable and efficient aerial agricultural services to medium and large scale farmers.

Farm Management Training
Aerial Agriculture Services
Innovative Production

our partners

Field Masters Ltd.

Field Masters Ltd focuses on developing innovative hub-farming models for small-holder farmers utilising conservation agriculture principles and connecting small farmers as directly as possible to niche export flower seed markets. Field Masters also manufactures specialised no-till planting equipment and are dealers in BioAgtiv exhaust gas emissions technology.

Zan Recreational Products

We are partnered with Zan Recreational Products and specialize in developing efficient, accurate, timely and cost-effective aerial spraying services with Light Sport Aircraft for farming entities and individuals in Tanzania.

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